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Squadron Airborne (IWM Wartime Classic)
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Squadron Airborne (IWM Wartime Classic)

In the summer of 1940, the Battle of Britain rages in the skies over southern England. Nineteen-year-old Pilot Officer Peter Stuyckes arrives at RAF Westhill and is immediately put to the test.

Based on the author’s own service as an RAF Flight Engineer, Squadron Airborne takes place over one unforgettable week that summer, depicting with intensity and brilliance the work of the many ground-crew and other staff as they support the Few in their fight against the Luftwaffe. The novel is published to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in September 2020.

By Elleston Trevor
Paperback 224 pages

Squadron Airborne (IWM Wartime Classic)
Squadron Airborne (IWM Wartime Classic)
£ 8.99
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3 for 2 IWM Wartime Classics -

This product has the following items included in this offer.

Item NameProduct Code
Squadron Airborne (IWM Wartime Classic) 9781912423279
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